Translation of Specialized Texts

I translate specialized texts of many different kinds. Operating instructions, package leaflets, safety data sheets, working papers, contracts, catalogues, websites... I am experienced in most styles and subjects.

My favourite subject fields are religion, music, and travelling/geography, and also various EU texts have been occurring frequently in later years. Nowadays I somehow try to concentrate on those “specialties”, prioritizing those and cutting down on other subjects, but you can always contact me to find out whether I can take on your particular text.

Literary Translation

I love to translate novels, as well as articles and papers of a rather literary character (fiction and non-fiction).

I have always liked to write prose myself, and I have the same creativity when it comes to translation.


Texts that lingustically do not seem really OK may well be sent to me. I have a great feeling for linguistic correctness and style, and I am good at discovering big and small inaccuracies.

Christian Translation

Translating Christian fiction and specialized Christian literature interests me particularly, and I give priority to this in my work. I think I may have a calling to do something good in this field, and to help spreading Christian books and the whole of Christianity even further. Actually, for me this is the biggest driving force of all.

This is why I also charge a remarkably lower payment for Christian assignments than for the “profane” ones!

I am a member of the (Lutheran) Church of Sweden, but I am ecumenical-minded and I gladly translate texts from other churches and denominations as well, as long as the texts serve a good and truly Christian purpose.

Other Activities

Apart from translation, which is my main occupation, my favourite activities are writing (stories and articles), composing songs on my keyboard, and inventing board games on various interesting themes.

Would you like to know more about this? Maybe you are interested in getting a piece of music or a board game from me? Then contact me and I will see what I can do.
These little hobbies of mine are not my main activities, but I would still be glad to get the opportunity to use them to achieve something.

Examples of the music I have made can be found on my SoundCloud page.